Kosher Food Pantry
Kosher Food Pantry
Urgent Announcement
JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry grew exponentially in 2020 to address the needs in our community during Covid. Unfortunately, we can no longer sustain the current level of service.
JF&CS has made the difficult decision to downsize the food pantry and focus the food distribution to those who receive other JF&CS services, require kosher food for religious reasons, or are currently receiving food delivery.
As of March 27th, the food pantry no longer facilitates walk-up distribution to the public.
If you are currently receiving services, please reach out to your JF&CS contact.
For a list of other food pantries near you, please visit the Atlanta Community Food Bank's pantry locator page.
Anuncio urgente
JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry creció exponencialmente en 2020 para abordar las necesidades de nuestra comunidad durante Covid. Lamentablemente, ya no podemos mantener el nivel de servicio actual.
JF&CS ha tomado la difícil decisión de reducir el tamaño de la despensa de alimentos y enfocar la distribución de alimentos a aquellos que reciben otros servicios de JF&CS, requieren comida kosher por razones religiosas o actualmente reciben entrega de alimentos.
A partir del 27 de marzo, nuestra despensa de alimentos ya no facilita la distribución sin cita al público.
Si actualmente recibe servicios, comuníquese con su contacto de JF&CS.
Para obtener una lista de otras despensas de alimentos cerca de usted, visite la página de localización de despensas del Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Срочное объявление
В 2020 году компания JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry значительно выросла, чтобы удовлетворить потребности нашего сообщества во время Covid. К сожалению, мы больше не можем поддерживать текущий уровень обслуживания.
JF&CS приняла трудное решение сократить размеры продовольственной кладовой и сосредоточить раздачу продуктов питания среди тех, кто получает другие услуги JF&CS, нуждается в кошерной пище по религиозным соображениям или в настоящее время получает доставку еды.
27 марта станет последним днем, когда продовольственная кладовая будет способствовать раздаче продуктов питания населению.
Если вы в настоящее время получаете услуги, обратитесь к своему контактному лицу в JF&CS.
Список ближайших к вам продовольственных кладовых можно найти на странице поиска кладовых Общественного продовольственного банка Атланты.
How To Get Help
Here is a list of other resources to consider for assistance:
Atlanta Community Food Bank
St Vincent De Paul:
Home - SVDP Georgia
findhelp.org - Search and Connect to Social Care
Rent, Mortgage, Utility Relief
Sandy Springs Resource Center:
Interfaith Outreach – single women and moms
United Way 211 (Contact by dialing 211)
Department of Community Affairs
Partners for Home
Gateway Center
GA Rental Assistance:
Georgia Rental Assistance (ga.gov)
GA Mortgage Assistance:
Georgia HAF (ga.gov)
Our Staff
Thank you again for the food assistance. It was so welcome. I cannot tell you what it means in this difficult time. We appreciate your help and assistance so very much. It was also lovely to speak briefly with the people who packed the cartons. This is really a beautiful community. Stay well, All my best.
A grateful Jewish client who drives a distance to pick up food
I really can’t express the gratitude of what you and the JFS has done for me. All the food you gave me especially today was just unbelievable, from the breakfast to the snacks. The fresh fruit was amazing! I didn’t think you had anything but non-perishables and it’s really going to help and go a very long way.
A Grateful Client
I just wanted to say thank you so much for offering the food assistance. My husband and I just picked up everything from the JF&CS Center and we are truly so thankful for everything. This is a tremendous blessing for our family. Words can’t express our gratitude for your sincere will to help. I will work on my application tonight and I will follow up with you tomorrow. Have a blessed day and please send my regards to the whole JF&CS family.
A Grateful Client
It took me almost an hour to put all of the food away! What a blessing! Thank you so much! I found out today that things are actually worse than I had thought. My husband's pay went down to one third, not half. I’m trying to digest all of this. I am composing a thank you note to the donor. I am so grateful that I’m at a loss for words right now. Thanks again for shedding some light during this dark time for our family.
A Grateful Client
The pantry has helped a lot because things are really expensive these days, and I’m a single mother. This is a big help.
A Grateful Client