JF&CS offers programs and services that transforms lives.

Aviv Older Adult Services
With both expertise and compassion, Aviv Older Adult Services helps aging individuals and their families navigate life transitions and changing circumstances.

Frances Bunzl Clinical Services
The Frances Bunzl Clinical Services at JF&CS offers different kinds of therapies and specialized programs to provide support to children, adults, and families.

Horwitz-Zusman Child & Family Center
Where the child is at the center of everything we do.

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services (IDDS) is open to people of all faiths and offers programs and services that support individuals with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.

Career & Support Services
JF&CS offers services ranging from the most essential – food, financial, spiritual– to more specialized services to help you navigate changes in your work life.

Ben Massell Dental Clinic
For more than 100 years, the Ben Massell Dental Clinic has been changing peoples’ lives, made possible by the work of over 150 volunteer dentists.