Community Engagement
Supporting Our Community
Speakers and Program Participation
JF&CS offers speakers and panel participants for a variety of topics, audiences, and venues. The topics can include substance abuse/addiction, mental health, aging, faith, poverty, family dynamics, and disabilities.
JF&CS partners with many area nonprofits to address issues in in the Jewish Community and the broader Atlanta community.
Synagogue Partners
Our relationships with many of the local synagogues help to bring the JF&CS services directly to the Atlanta Jewish Community.
Ahavath Achim Synagogue
Chabad of Cobb
Congregation Anshi S'fard
Congregation Ariel
Congregation Bet Haverim
Congregation Beth Shalom
Congregation Beth Tefillah
Congregation B'nai Torah
Congregation Dor Tamid
Congregation Etz Chaim
Congregation Gesher L'Torah
Congregation Ner Tamid
Congregation Or Hadash
Congregation Or Ve Shalom
Congregation Shearith Israel
Temple Beth Tikvah
Temple Emanu-el
Temple Kehillat Chaim
Temple Kol Emeth
Temple Sinai
The Temple
Young Israel Toco Hills