About Ellis Sheppard Transportation Manager
I have a great passion for the transportation field. Being able to assist those in need adds even more satisfaction for me in this area, and that has brought me to the JF&CS family.

I am a native to Atlanta, I grew up in southern California. After graduating from college, I came back to Atlanta for graduate school. While in graduate school at Emory, I took an assistant manager position with the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. It is where I grew a great amount fondness for transportation. After 15 years there (12 as Transportation Manager), I spent 6 years in the same role at Dish Network, and 11 years at Antech Diagnostics before coming to JF&CS.
I have a great passion for the transportation field. Being able to assist those in need adds even more satisfaction for me in this area, and that has brought me to the JF&CS family.