On September 10th, 239 enthusiastic JF&CS volunteers took part in Mitzvah Day. Volunteers of different ages and stages of life filled the agency’s Dunwoody campus and an additional 10 sites across Metro Atlanta — having fun and helping others!
Mitzvah Day is the annual day of volunteer service for young professionals and families, and serves as the kick-off for the year of volunteer programming. It is a convenient way for busy families and young professionals to set aside time to do a mitzvah — a good deed — and is always a meaningful opportunity to give back.

“It’s a very heartwarming thing to witness,” said Megan Koziel, Volunteer Engagement Manager. “To see parents working with their children, not only making memories and bonding but doing so in a way that gives back and teaches them values — it shows that we are building a community that is caring, and that’s the most important thing. Young professionals and children are the next generation of people in our community who are going to change it for the better.”
As is customary, Mitzvah Day offered a wide range of projects for every age. Participants assembled Rosh Hashanah gift bags for Bikkur Cholim patients and One Good Deed seniors, painted picnic tables for the JF&CS campus, and made macrame art to decorate the Zimmerman-Horowitz Independent Living Program homes. They planted 100+ winter vegetables in the Giving Garden that provides fresh produce to those in need, packed up a whopping 3,900 bagels donated by Bagel Rescue and sorted other donated food items for the Kosher Food Pantry and at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, prepared 20 meals for clients and staff of the Zimmerman-Horowitz Independent Living Program homes, and helped with gardening at Dogwood Farms.

“Mitzvah Day felt really encouraging and inviting for our volunteers who have never been to JF&CS,” said Sarah Bernstein, PAL and Young Professional Program Manager. “The day was filled with professional staff who were helping, and there were new faces and returning volunteers. It’s a long day of people doing hard work, but you could just feel that everyone was having so much fun.”
All projects benefitted the Kosher Food Pantry, Aviv Older Adult clients, the Zimmerman-Horowitz Independent Living Program homes, and other JF&CS services. After all the hard work, everyone enjoyed refreshments: families at the JF&CS Dunwoody campus were treated to Ali's Cookies, and the Young Professionals attended an after-party at Scofflaw Brewing.

The success of Mitzvah Day is possible thanks to our incredible volunteers and our Community Partners & Committees. We are thankful to Atlanta Community Food Bank, Concrete Jungle, NextGen, Repair the World, Food Well Alliance, The Temple, Temple Sinai, Shearith Israel, Bagel Rescue, La Dee Da Studio, and Love is Love Cooperative Farm. So many benefitted from the generosity of these benevolent community members.
“We are so grateful for all the Mitzvah Day volunteers, JF&CS professional staff, community partners, and committee members that made Mitzvah Day such a success,” said Sarah. “Mitzvah Day is a perfect example of what Jewish Atlanta is all about. We hope Mitzvah Day made a lasting impact on those that attended, and look forward to bringing more volunteers through our doors at JF&CS.”
There is an exciting year of volunteer programs ahead! Stay in-the-know by signing up for the volunteer email list, and follow us on social media @volunteerwithjfcs.