
November 22, 2023

The New Era of Havinagala

The New Era of Havinagala

JF&CS’ Havinagala: A Party for PAL has been the event for young professionals in Atlanta for the last 35 years. On January 27, 2024, it enters a new era. Read More

November 22, 2023

A Proactive Approach to Holiday Stress

A Proactive Approach to Holiday Stress

We recently spoke with HAMSA Program Manager Joel Dworkin about navigating holiday stress while in recovery. Read More

November 02, 2023

Community Roundtable Supports Teens

Community Roundtable Supports Teens

BeWellATL hosted its first Community Resiliency Roundtable on October 17. Read More

November 01, 2023

Lev's Journey: "I came to the US with no money. Today, I have lots of help from JF&CS. I am very lucky."

Lev's Journey: "I came to the US with no money. Today, I have lots of help from JF&CS. I am very lucky."

In preparation for Community of Giving 2023, we are sharing a story of impact from last year's event. Read on to learn about Lev's remarkable life, and how JF&CS has been able to help with the support of our community. Read More

October 27, 2023

High Holiday Food Drive Recap

High Holiday Food Drive Recap

The community showed up in powerful ways for this year's High Holiday Food Drive. Read More

October 23, 2023

Shalom Bayit Celebrates 30 Years of Empowering Survivors

Shalom Bayit Celebrates 30 Years of Empowering Survivors

The Shalom Bayit program celebrated 30 years of impact on October 12. Read More

October 11, 2023

JF&CS Offers Support for Those Impacted by Israel War

JF&CS Offers Support for Those Impacted by Israel War

The Jewish Family & Career Services Atlanta (JF&CS) provides emotional support to families impacted by the war in Israel. Read More

October 10, 2023

JF&CS Stands With Israel

JF&CS Stands With Israel

The emotional and mental health needs of our Atlanta Jewish community are front-of-mind for us in light of the attacks on Israel, and we are here to help. Read More