Archive for October 2020

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October 06, 2020

Celebrating Sukkot - Body and Soul

Celebrating Sukkot - Body and Soul

"Looking back it’s obvious from a kid’s perspective why sukkot was so enjoyable – being able to run around and make noise with minimal adult supervision is every child’s dream come true. And yet, that experience of celebrating the holiday of sukkot… Read More

October 08, 2020

Dealing with the Job Hunt Rollercoaster

Dealing with the Job Hunt Rollercoaster

While a job search can be a time of great hope about new opportunities, it can also be a time of uncertainty and anxiety, especially in today’s job market. It is a reality that you may experience highs and lows in the span of a single day or week.… Read More

October 08, 2020

Hit Refresh on Your Job Search

Hit Refresh on Your Job Search

How could the upcoming Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah relate to finding a new job? Simchat Torah is the time dedicated to both completing the yearly cycle of Torah reading and starting to read it all over again. The Book of Genesis is the first… Read More

October 12, 2020

Sweet Music for the Soul

Sweet Music for the Soul

On Sunday, September 13, volunteer musicians visited eleven Holocaust Survivors at four different homes to bring isolated seniors the joy of music. A 4th grader at Epstein School also made sure the Survivors heard the sound of the Shofar on the… Read More

October 14, 2020

Lasting Friendships

Lasting Friendships

“One Good Deed has truly been a gift and has enhanced my life greatly. I live alone, have very little family, and my friends have husbands and grandchildren which keep them busy. It's been meaningful to have new friends especially during the… Read More

October 29, 2020

A Legacy of Leadership, Service and Love

A Legacy of Leadership, Service and Love

JF&CS recently lost two great champions, Judith and Elliott Cohen. They built a beautiful and meaningful life focused on family, service and the community. They served on nearly every nonprofit board in the city, yet Judith’s passion was JF&CS.… Read More

October 30, 2020

Survivor Spotlight: Yakov Ayzengart’s Toothpick Structures

Survivor Spotlight: Yakov Ayzengart’s Toothpick Structures

In 1991, Yakov Ayzengart moved from Moldova, Soviet Union to Atlanta, GA. During this move, he brought along his most cherished things; chief among them were his skills as a mechanical engineer. Mr. Ayzengart’s design capabilities have driven his… Read More