Andrea Holyfield on How to Start a New Career in 2022

January 05, 2022

Andrea Holyfield on How to Start a New Career in 2022

As we enter a new year, many are starting to form their resolutions for 2022. And one of the most common resolutions is finding a new career. But many have no idea where to start. Job search advice online can be conflicting and confusing, and it’s hard to know what’s helping and what isn’t.

That’s where Andrea Holyfield steps in. Andrea, who has more than a ten-year background in coaching, consulting, and training, left her full-time corporate job in February 2020. Since then, she has been helping people find the careers of their dreams as a Career Management and Transition Coach. She also regularly volunteers as a LinkedIn Workshop Facilitator at Jewish Family & Career Services.

To start off the new year right, we got her thoughts and advice on how to transition into a new career in 2022.

What are your top three tips for those seeking to make a career change in 2022?

My first tip would be to think outside the box. We are living in a very unconventional time, which offers unconventional opportunities. Consider the idea that a different type of career than you envisioned could be fulfilling to you.

My second would be to not limit yourself only to careers and skills you already know. Spend some time figuring out what you like and what you want to do. There’s so many resources out there to let you know what opportunities you can explore.

Finally, take control of your story and your own brand messaging. Your LinkedIn, website, and resume are all part of the story that you are telling, so be unapologetic in your story and how you project it to the world.

What are three things to avoid when seeking to make a career change in the new year?

Once again, don’t limit yourself. Think about transferable skills and the network connections you have (or can make) if you want to switch careers. It’s important to believe in yourself and your ability to secure your dream role and begin your desired career.

Also, don’t limit your search to only job boards. Most opportunities will be found in networking, not on online job boards. Some people hate the phrase “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” but it’s true, and it’s also something you can change if you don’t currently know anybody.

Finally, don’t go into 2022 stale. That means don’t be brushing dust off the same resume you have used for ten years. Do research into the keywords and phrasing and skills your dream employer is looking for, and make adjustments. This also goes for your LinkedIn profile, public social media, and any other medium where you are presenting your story to the world.

How does personal branding play a part in a successful career?

I often talk to people who don’t know how they ended up where they are in their career. Some were placed in opportunities without the traditional background or education for the job. But because they have a strong personal brand, people took a chance on them, and doors opened for them. When job hunting, some people will get frustrated when candidates who seem less qualified get chosen over them, but networking, confidence, and having a strong personal brand likely gave them an edge.

Anything else you’d like to add for those seeking to start a new career this year?

Something that I tell every client of mine is that we can do anything we want to do professionally. The only limit is our belief in our ability to do so. A lot of the success of a job search happens in the mind first. If you don’t believe you can do it, you will end up missing out on opportunities. Start with the mind work first, then go after the role.

As human beings, we have limited beliefs about our abilities that are designed to protect us. If we can find fault in other people, the way they are hired, the recruiting process, etc., we don’t have to point the magnifying glass at ourselves. These limited beliefs don’t really protect us; they only stop us from doing the hard work of trying to be successful.

Branding 101 Workshop

Personal branding is a great skill to take into the new year for your new career search.

Andrea will be leading a FREE three-part workshop on personal branding, the first being on Thursday, January 13 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. In this first session, you will clearly define your personal brand, explore a process for creating your brand, examine your digital brand, and review a five-step branding framework. For more information, and to register, click here.

Jewish Family & Career Services offers many opportunities to help you with your job search. In addition to our numerous workshops we hold throughout the year, we offer more job search advice, help with resumes and cover letters, advice on interviewing, and information on how to elevate your LinkedIn profile. For those in between jobs and in need, we also offer emergency financial assistance and a kosher food pantry.