Parenting in these uncertain times is anything but easy. We get it and we are here to help!
If you are struggling to make it through the day just keeping it all together while work pressures, your kids, economic worries, health concerns, and more swirl all around, JF&CS is here to help!
We are proud to be partnering with In The City Camp and Jumpspark Atlanta, on Pandemic Parenting, a new support group for parents during this turbulent time.
On Friday mornings, parents are joined by JF&CS clinicians who share tools, advice, and community for how to adjust to our new normal, whatever it looks like and however long it takes us to get there.
If you would like to make a telehealth appointment with one of our clinicians or join a support group, email us at or call 770.677.9474.
Parenting during lock down: here’s what you need to know
Pandemic Parenting: Privilege and Racism with Ula Zusman
Talking about privilege & racism: a parent’s challenge
Pandemic Parenting: Emotional Regulation with Ina Enoch
Pandemic Parenting - Routines & Structure with Jaime Stepansky
Pandemic Parenting – Family Dynamics with Dr. Lyudmila Trost
Pandemic Parenting - Couples Communication with Dr. Helen Kotler
Pandemic Parenting - ADHD/Executive Function with Dr. Lori Wilson
Pandemic Parenting - Back to School for You and Your Kids
Pandemic Parenting - Back to School: Teen Talk
Pandemic Parenting - Back to School: Elementary Advice
Parenting in a Pandemic flipbook
A comprehensive guide from leading mental health professionals for parents and educators to better understand and support teens during the COVID-19 crisis.
If you would like to request a hard copy of the book, please email us at

In the City Camps
Introducing a new way to camp with ITC@Home – Choices. Confidence. Community.

You asked and we are answering!
In the City Camps is going year-round with ITC Clusters!
ITC clusters are small group in-person afternoon camps that we are bringing to you beginning September 15.
Clusters will meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2 - 5 p.m. with a ratio of 5 campers to 1 counselor. Our ITC-trained counselors will create a pop-up camp for K-6th grade students to help them be active, interact with peers, and have fun after virtual school.
You can register a cluster or have your camper join an existing cluster based on their age and where you live.
$100/camper per week
We are also offering ITC@Home - our tried and true virtual camp program!
Beginning September 14, campers (K-6th grade) can join ITC on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons at 3 p.m. via Zoom for bunk time, fun-filled activities, and shira. Campers will love doing art projects, playing games, talking to friends, virtually visiting Israel, and so much more!
Each session will be 90 minutes long.
$35/camper per week
Don't just survive day-to-day life during the pandemic.
Thrive with Learning Pods ATL as your partner.
Summer won’t be here for much longer. Instead of your children returning to their brick and mortar schools, the majority of them will be working virtually. On top of all of your other responsibilities, you now are in charge of facilitating your child’s virtual education. Learning Pods ATL can help.
With Learning Pods ATL – brought to you by the people behind
In the City Camps – you can feel confident that your child is learning, having fun, and interacting with others in a safe way.
Each small group (4-5 children) will be custom matched with a trained, properly socially distancing, and background-checked facilitator. Each student in the pod will have a personalized schedule that includes engaging activities and enrichment opportunities.
Click here to learn more about how to register or join a pod.

JumpSpark is an innovation initiative through the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta that connects Atlanta’s Jewish teens and those who influence them through collaboration with community partners and creation of original, top-quality programming. We exist to bring together Jews across Atlanta to preserve and progress our community for the future and help teens grow and discover their best selves.
What does it mean to be a Jewish girl in today’s world?
Strong Girls provides a welcoming space for 8th-grade girls to come together every other week, build community, and explore the big questions around what it means to be a Jewish girl in today’s world. This opportunity helps young people grapple with the obstacles they face and prepares them to be the leaders they can be today and in the future.
Strong Girls will be facilitated by Jewish Family & Career Services licensed counselors and will utilize the Jewish girls Empowered Together curriculum from TrueChild. Session topics include exploring gender, women and girls in popular culture, femininity and body image, achievement and relationships, and challenging privilege. In each session, girls will have a chance to reflect on these topics in Jewish culture and tradition.
The Strong Girls Cohort will meet from October to January, approximately every other week, on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5pm. All sessions will be conducted virtually unless notified otherwise. Participants are encouraged to attend every session.
Registration for Strong Girls will close on October 1, 2020.
Register here:
MJCCA: Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta

The MJCCA is here to support parents during the school year. This school year will be different, so we are innovating to ensure enriching programs for your elementary-aged kids! MJCCA Day Camps and Club J have teamed up to bring you three new programs for this school year – a FULL DAY option (monthly, 8:30 am-6:00 pm) and an AFTERNOON option (weekly, 2:00-6:00 pm) starting Monday, August 17! Kids will be in small group cohorts having a blast all around our 52-acre campus – think ropes course, boating, swimming, sports, and more! Learn more at!
Based on feedback, we've added a MORNING option (monthly, 8:30 am-2:00 pm)!
Jewish Kids Group

When school goes online, JKG goes in person! At JKG Full Day kids ages 5-11 will get the help they need to participate in their school’s online learning; build friendships with neighborhood Jewish kids; and enjoy art, music, outdoor play, and camp-style Jewish fun when schoolwork is complete. Locations in Decatur and Morningside.
Learn more and sign up today!
Our Synagogue partners have their own resources available to parents.