It’s Not Really About the Dishes: Couples Therapy at JF&CS

August 16, 2024

It’s Not Really About the Dishes: Couples Therapy at JF&CS

Our clinical services at JF&CS use a variety of therapy modalities to help everyone from young kids to older adults. When it comes to couples therapy, many of our clinicians utilize the Gottman Method to help couples learn to fight fairly, strengthen partnerships and improve communication. We spoke to Keith Myers, PhD, LPC, ACS, Managing Director of Clinical Services, to learn why this method is different, and so effective.

The Gottman Method

Keith describes the Gottman Method as going “a level deeper” than typical couples therapy. “It’s a research-heavy, evidence-based intervention for couples therapy that focuses heavily on assessment of the couples strengths and areas of growth.”

In addition to remediating problems, this approach also focuses on building foundational skills. When both partners have skills like emotional self-regulation, being a good listener, and knowing how to approach topics that could potentially cause conflict, it can turn a contentious marriage into a positive, supportive one.

“Fighting about the dishes is not really about the dishes,” explains Keith. “Fights are typically about what’s underneath them, which can be any number of things from a power dynamic to being overwhelmed. Everybody fights, but for healthy couples it’s about how you talk to your partner during a conflict. When couples feel understood and validated, then they fight fairly.”

Keith has seen the power of this approach transform marriages and partnerships. While the exact amount of time couples will spend in therapy will vary based on many factors, Keith says that a lot of people will begin to feel a difference in their relationship in three to four months.

The JF&CS Advantage

Much like a successful marriage, JF&CS clinicians work together to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients. Keith has a long history of working in mental health and says services at JF&CS offer “the advantage of the collective experience.”

“Here, you don’t only benefit from your individual clinician,” said Keith. “At JF&CS, we have some of the most experienced, competent and passionate clinicians that I’ve seen anywhere, and everyone is engaged with each other. We share the things that are stumping us, give different perspectives and suggestions- we feed off each other, which benefits everyone.”

Whether you’re newlyweds looking to build a strong foundation, or a longtime couple looking to strengthen your union, we’re here to help. Learn more about couples therapy at JF&CS by clicking here.

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