We spent the day with Dayna and her friends, our wonderful clients in IndependenceWORKS (IW), our day program for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). February is Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), and with The Tasting Experience coming up, it's the perfect time to highlight this wonderful program.
IW provides day-to-day engagement and enrichment to adults with mild to moderate I/DD. Clients enjoy in-house programming in the 8,300-square-foot IW building, and follow a schedule of learning and socializing activities led by Abby Frantz, Community Advocacy Manager, and our team of Direct Support Professionals (DSP). There's often fun happening in the outside community, too, whether it's choir performances or outings like bowling, art museums and visits to the mall.
Dayna served as our guide for the day. She attends the program Monday-Friday, and also resides at one of our Independent Living Program (ILP) homes. Her gentle spirit, ready smile and sunny disposition made her a warm and welcoming host. "(IW) is so fun, and I like it!" said Dayna with a big smile on her face.
Keep scrolling to see a glimpse into what their fun-filled day is like at IW.

The day begins with Coffee Club. Clients gather together to socialize and enjoy coffee, hot cocoa, and treats. Dayna enjoyed a brownie while working on a Valentine's Day-themed craft project and discussing Valentine's Day plans with her fellow clients.

Dayna shares about the upcoming Valentine's Day events at IW: A "Lovers Lunch" for couples, and "Singles Mixer" for singles! She plans to attend the Lovers Lunch with her boyfriend Max, who is also an IW client.

Dayna's mischievous side came out when she saw the opportunity to give Kelly "bunny-ears."

Kim Seabolt, Special Projects Coordinator and Renterpieces guru, led a mid-morning dance break.

DSPs spend the day with clients, and on this day, Dayna was paired with Cory Rosenberg. Here, Dayna and Cory were finishing up lunch. Cory is a former teacher, and when we asked if he likes his job as a DSP with IW, he smiled and said, “it’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

One of Dayna’s jobs is helping with the recycling after lunch.

All hands on deck! Todd helps with the trash as well.

Great minds think alike — (L-R) Laura, Adona, and Lauren all matched in their Mickey Mouse gear!

In February, we celebrate and educate about Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month.

A little calm after lunch with Reading Circle.

After reading circle, Beth (R) told Kelly about her latest page-turner.

Dayna enjoys many friendships in IW!

Dayna gathers her things as she prepares to leave for the day, including her craft project that will help bring the Valentine's Day spirit home with her!

Kelly, Carla, Arlene and Dayna head home for the day. It was another great day at IndependenceWORKS!