Dear Volunteers,
Our volunteers are truly the heart and soul of everything we do. They are more than just helpful—they are absolutely essential. As we celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month, we can’t help but reflect on how much each of you means to us. You bring passion, dedication, and kindness to our organization every single day, and we are incredibly grateful for you. Our agency thrives because of the unique contributions. Whether you’re tackling mountains of paperwork, brightening someone's day with a service dog, or cooking a warm, nourishing meal for others, your impact is immeasurable.
From the simple, yet profound acts of kindness—like Mark stopping to chat with a Kosher Food Pantry client or Hillary driving Holocaust survivors to Café Europa—to the big gestures of support, such as Logan and her family preparing meals for the IDDS clients, you give so much of yourselves to make the lives of others better. As Megan Koziel, our Volunteer Engagement Manager, says, “JF&CS volunteers bring so much energy and heart to their work supporting staff and clients. They help us achieve our mission and make a greater impact on those we serve.” To all of you who have volunteered in any capacity with us this year, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your generosity does more than just support our work—it makes our entire community stronger.

Thank you to all of our volunteers of the last calendar year, April 2024-April 2025!
JF&CS Agency Volunteers:
Lauren Abes, Emily Agadzhanova, Melis Akkan, Emem Akpan, Amy Albertson, Valeria Alcala, Gary Alembik, Camryn Alfred, Nida Ali, Michelle Alperin, Jeff Alperin, Ken Alpert, Jon Amsler, Susan Amsler, Halle Anderson, Hope Andrews, Katie Andrews, Elise Aronson, Stewart Banner, Carlin Barnes, Leslie Bashuk, Marni Beckerman, Mendel Ben-Shmuel, Kaylin Berinhout, Amy Berke, Brooke Berman, Jonathan Berman, Felicia Berne, Shirley Bernes, Linda Bernknopf, James Bernstein, Peter Bernstein, Jill Bernstein, Kathy Bernstein, Rashelle Berry, Sid Besmertnik, Laurie Besmertnik, Sophia Best, Naomi Binenfeld, Kimberly Bland, Debra Block, Mitch Block, Sandra Block, Michele Blondheim, Emma Bobar, Jasmine Boden, Michal Bonell, Lindsay Borenstein, Cathy Borenstein, Logan Botnick, Annalisa Bracco, Zoe Breit, Mark Brown, Charlie Burstiner, Rachel Caldes, Bert Callahan, Vaniah Chambliss, Mariah Charnock, Kiki Chen, Surya Chintala, Elizabeth Clark, Bella Clifton, Flora Cohen, Ezra Cohen, Cobi Cohen, Justine Cohen, Jill Cohen, Stu Cohen, Emily Cohen, Cindy Cohen Siegler, Stephanie Cox, Jay Cranman, Lazuli Cristol, Lisa Danzig, Natalie David, Taylor Davis, Mamie Dayan, Brittany Dean, Michael Deutsch, Spruha Dhamange, Kulp Dhru, Nikkole Dombrosky, Eliana Duncan, Patricia Durrett, Dale Dyer, Benjamin Ehrenhalt, Paul Ehrlich, Drew Eichel, Jen Eisenman, Jordan Enoch, Toby Fagin, David Fagin, Semi Faleye, Allyn Farnsworth, Adi Feen, Ilissa Feiler, Alina Feingold, Ellen Feinsand, Evelyn Feldman, Ethan Fialkow, Stacy Fialkow, Amy Fingerhut, Lisa Fleishmann, Ezra Flom, Andrew Foreman-Kaye, Amy Fox, Chuck Fox, Jill Francis, Janine Franco, Jason Frank, Vanessa Frank, Lisa Freedman, Viki Freeman, Beth Friedman, David Friedman, Robin Friedrich, Julianna Fritts, Gary Froug, Susan Fuller, Lisa Furie, Ellen Gebel, Alan Gerber, Natalie Geuli, Jenny Glade, Eva Gluck, Lisa Gold, Wendi Goldberg, Hunter Goldberg, Rachel Goldschein, Jackie Goldstein, Ryan Goldstein, Robert Gordon, Anat Granath, Brianna Granath, Tracey Grant, Ilene Grant, Kimberly Greer, Erionna Griggs, Sarah Gruber, Maria Sol Guini, Soumit Guntupalli, Renee Haas, Andrew Haber, Jonathan Halitsky, Mimi Hall, Soohyun Ham, Tamar Harari, Lauren Harris, Brian Harris, Dasia Harris, Zackary Harris, Jennifer Hauser, Kimberly Haygood, Paul Heller, Kendal Henderson, Lorie Heninger, Elizabeth Herman, David Herskovits, Nikki Herzog, Michele Hirsch, David Hirsch, Kristen Hogan, Donna Holly, Stella Hong, Maya Horesh, Esther Horn, Barbara Horowitz, Carla Hotz, Brianna Hou, Natalie Huang, Chin Huynh, Stacy Hyken, Judi Ison, Deborah Jacobs, Paul Jacobs, Phoebe Janflone, Jan Jay, Jill Jeffer, Yoojin Jeong, Ethan Kahn, Benjamin Kaiser, Claudio Kaiser-Blueth, Ricky Kaplan, Emily Kaplan, Ellen Kaplan, Nellie Karnburisudth, Miriam Karp, Michael Karp, Ann Kay, Kerri Katz, Christine Kaufman, Jared Kerker, Mohammad Kiarashi, Alexis Kinser, Ron Kirschner, Caryn Klein, Caleb Koffler, Barry Koffler, Zak Koffler, Sara Kogon, Ross Kogon, Jay Kohlenberg, Sandra Kohlenberg, Jami Kohn, Kim Kopelman, Sarah Koplin, Gennye Krasner, Danielle Kroo, Lauren Krupp, Bonnie Kwatnetz, Eden La Kier, Harper Landau, Tiffany Landes, Michelle Langer, Tye Larimer, Benjamin Leach, Kay Lee, Yujin Lee, Julia Lehmann, Shilvi Leinwand, Rachel Levin, Lenny Levine, Teri Levine, Brian Levitt, Sue Levy, Hillary Levy, Sandy Levy, Debbie Levy, Jay Levy, Leslie Levy, Kathy Lewis, Shele Lieberman, Bruce Lindemann, Sydney Lippman, Barbara Lippman, Judith Lizerbom, Sierra Lowery, Carole Mabry, Pardis Madjidi, Lauren Mahoney, Melanie Mailman, Brian Mand, Sri Maradana, John Markson, Deborah Maslia, Debra Mazloff, Melana McClatchey, Valerie McCoy, Linda McLachlan, Mallory McRae, Jackie Melson, Shawn Michael, Gary Miller, Melissa Miller, Yasamin Mofrad, McKenzie Moskowitz, Ross Mumford, Jason Munsell, Alyson Myerson, Mia Nadel, Leo Nayshtut, Natalie Nejad, Raiven Nolen, Tiffany Oh, Jonathan Olens, Gil Oren, Julie Oshins, Daniel Osman, William Parbhoo, Andrew Park, Ruchi Patel, Brook Patton, Samantha Paulen, Marcia Pearl, Isabella Peluzzo, Maxine Perlman, John Perlman, Emily Philpot, Cami Phosai, Lynn Podber, Mark Podhorzer, Shelby Pohnan, Cecilla Polevoy, Carrie Poline, David Poline, Helene Popowski, Dana Posner, Jordi Price, Jane Radman, Lynn Redd, Aubrey Reed, Jody Reichel, John Reicher, Esther Reifman, Stephanie Reiner, Eva Ribak, Cheryl Richards-Mann, Jory Richardson, Denise Rindsberg, Frank Rindsberg, Jojo Rinzler, Emma Rinzler, Logan Ritchie, Terri Rittenberg, Scott Rittenberg, Sarah Rivas, Jennifer Ro, Michelle Rosenbaum, Jessie Rosenberg, Sugandha Rosenhaft, Madeline Ross, Martin Rotter, Dayna Royal, Nathaniel Rubin, Sue Saban, Raye Sabel, Fiza Sageer, Louise Samsky, Brett Samsky, Neil Sandler, Alina Sathani, Elana Satisky, Nate Sauer, David Schiff, Mark Schwartz, Daniel Schwartz, Shelly Schwartzenfeld, Jessie Schwartzman, Andrea Schwartz-Silvera, James Scott, Adam Segal, Leigh Segall, Anna Serviansky, Daniela Shefler, Leon Shelkoff, Allison Sherman, Beverly Shihara, Diya Shiparia, Carly Siegel, Michael Siegel, Ashley Siegel, Eric Silver, Justin Silver, Michelle Simon, Gary Simon, Michelle Sims, Aleksey Skachkov, Cayla Skinner, Lauren Skor, Martha Smith, Adam Sonenshine, Alyson Spector, Danielle Spelfogel, Ksenia Steidel, Matthew Steinberg, Bonnie Steinfeld, Paul Stokes, Laurie Stone, Scott Strongin, Todd Surden, Sami Tanenbaum, Robert Tinter, Colleen Tope, Lisa Toporek, Zoë Toporek, Dan Tran, Robin Travis, Arin Tritt, Tova Tritt, Lorne Tritt, Lisa Trivers, Allyson Tuck, Linda Tzoref, Hilary Unell, Liepa Vaicekaviciute, Phil Ventimiglia, Laura Ventimiglia, Melissa Vojta, Dana Wachsmann, Rohan Wadhwani, Hannah Wagner, Cathy Weil, Heather Weiner, Ellen Weinstein, Julie Weinstein, Mindy Wertheimer, Naomi Wheeless, Karen White, Anna Wilner, Sarah Wishnick, Keren Yahel Ben-Haim, Emily Yehezkel, Meredith Yehudai, Bailee Yoels, Adrienne Young Cohen, Janet Zinn.
Ben Massell Dental Clinic Volunteer Dentists:
Lauren Abes, Joel Adler, Brittany Ahmed, Mariya Akbashev, Suhasini Arun, Leah Asher, Magdy Attia, Supriti Balyan, Stephen Bankston, Lisa A. Barnes, Sarabess Baumrind, Michael Beckerman, Erik Belinfante, Alan Belinky, Janine Bethea, Jack Bickford, Lily Bock, Cindy Bodgdanoff, Arthur Bodner, Shenan Bradshaw, Laura Braswell, Tammy Bregman, Donald Brown, Geoffrey Brown, Elisha Buckley, Shaun Bullard, Melanie Burns, Frank Butler, Mark Caceres, John Camba, Ian Carlson, Neha Chakravarti, Marilyn Chapman, Yu Chen Chein, Roman Cibirka, Gloria Clarke, Amy Cohn, Kais Colabawala, Peter J. Congiundi, Elizabeth Consky, Hamir Contractor, Narisa Cramer, Bryan Debowsky, Lisa DeMacedo, Kelle Dennis, Rolin Desir, Candace DeVeaux, Matt Dimassi, Jonathan Dubin, Stanley Eisenberg, Nancy Ferrara, Sheryl Fineman, Judy Finkelman, Noah Fixelle, J. Michael Freihaut, Robert Fryer, Shelli Funt, Steve Gallant, Daniel Galvez, Richard Gangwisch, Iris Garcia, Catherine Giambruno, Ryan Gilleland, Terie Githina, Michael Goldstein, Ralph Gray, Jina Gray, Sarah Green, Robert Grollman, Shivane Gupta, Patricia Guzman, Michael Hagearty, Hamad Hamad, Jin Han, John Harden, Hugh Harris, Thaddeus Harvey, Mehran "Ron" Hassanzadeh, Fred Hedrick, Clay Heilpern, Sharitha Herring, David Hochberg, Patricia Homer, Thomas Hopkin, Cameron Howard, Shun Hsu, Kristin Huber, Kenneth Hutchinson, Robert Israel, Thomas Jagor, Jean-Max Jean-Pierre, Ben Jernigan, Terrance Jeter, Samantha Johnson, Amanda Jones, Kyandukhta Kalantari, Molly Kaplan, William Kincer, Marshall Knauer, Anne Koenig, Joon Koh, Andrew Kokabi, Kara Kramer, Ranjitha Krishna, Paul Kudyba, Amy Kuhmichel, David Kurtzman, Euiyoung Kwak, Brett Langston, Lyndsay Langston, Dafna Lapidot, Joyce Lee, Dong Ha Lee, Michael Lefkove, Zachary Levin, Dahlia Levine, Joshua Levy, Elizabeth Lewis, Cassandra Lichkay, Raphael Lior, Carrie Logue, Vincent Marsh, Candice Marshall, Mark Martindale, Miguel Martinez, Aaron Maslia, Roy McDonald, Guy McMaster, Robert Michelich, Wendy Mitchell, Marilyn Mitchell-Chapman, Susan Muller, Walter Myers, Trina Myers, Jason Myerson, Young Okeke, Emil Orza, Terry O'Shea, Lina Palacio, Romi Park, Kumar Patel, Dhruva Patel, Bijal Patel, Krishna Patel, Donald Phillips, Jeffrey Priluck, Zahra Punjani, Suhayl Rafeedie, Richard Raymond, Robin Reich, Colin Richman, Jerome Richman, Kathleen Robinson, Mike Robinson, Richard Rodgers, Alex Rodriguez, Michael Rosenthal, Christopher Sandvi, Paul Schaner, Shruti Shah, Keith Shepard, Drew Shessel, Ankita Sheth, Rico Short, John Simpson, Jeffrey Sims, Bennie Smith, Ron Smith, Morris Socoloff, Stanley Stein, Edward Sugarman, Emily Swanson, Michael Szikman, Shiva Talebi, Mandy Tamir, Michael Tehrani, Karan Thachil, Shannon Thorsteinson, Sidney Tourial, Lana Tran, Antwan Treadway, Lindsay Vann, Tyrous David Ward, Melvin Washington, Richard Weinman, Paten Weinman, Rebecca Weinman, Stacey Weitzner, Steven Wells, Anne Wetmore, Yemia White, Emily Williams, Caroline Willoughby, Sarah Wilsey, Mollie Winston, Carol Wolff, Carol Wooden, Alfred Wyatt, Sherre Yager, Edgar Yates, Ben Yavari, James Yoon, Paul Yurfest, Estelle Zandstra, Tammy Zeineddin, Barry Zeitman, David Zelby, Beverly Zidor, Kelli Zudekoff, Haley Leatherbarrow, Arsala Shah, Stephanie Jaipaul, Edward Chipps, Laura Wager, Brandon Davison, Jahmelia Louis-Jean.