Prayer for Our Country

January 14, 2021

Prayer for Our Country

By Rabbi Ayelet Cohen

Our God and God of our ancestors, bless this country and all who dwell within it.

Help us to experience the blessings of our lives and circumstances

To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave

Strengthen us when we are afraid

Help us to channel our anger

So that it motivates us to action

Help us to feel our fear

So that we do not become numb

Help us to be generous with others

So that we raise each other up

Help us to be humble in our fear, knowing that as vulnerable as we feel

there are those at greater risk,

And that it is our holy work to stand with them

Help us to taste the sweetness of liberty

To not take for granted the freedoms won in generations past or in

recent days

To heal and nourish our democracy, that it may be like a tree planted

by the water whose roots reach down to the stream

It need not fear drought when it comes, its leaves are always green

Source of all Life,

Guide our leaders with righteousness

Strengthen their hearts but keep them from hardening

That they may use their influence and authority to speak truth and act

for justice

May all who dwell in this country share in its bounty, enjoy its

freedoms and be protected by its laws

May this nation use its power and wealth to be a voice for justice,

peace and equality for all who dwell on earth

May we be strong and have courage

To be bold in our action and deep in our compassion

To discern when we must listen and when we must act

To uproot bigotry, intolerance, misogyny, racism, discrimination and

violence in all its forms

To celebrate the many faces of God reflected in the wondrous

diversity of humanity

To welcome the stranger and the immigrant and to honor the gifts of

those who seek refuge and possibility here,

As they have since before this nation was born

Let justice well up like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream

(Jeremiah 17:8; Isaiah 16:3–5; Amos 5:24)