A Special Message from Terri Bonoff, CEO of JF&CS
We have something exciting to share —Jewish Family & Career Service has been named a Top Workplace in Atlanta! The list is announced in a special section of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. We were recognized as #13 in the mid-size business category!
We also received a special award – Meaningfulness! One organization received this award and it was JF&CS. Our staff truly believes in our mission and feels fulfilled by the work we do.

The award is based solely on the feedback our staff offered through the employee survey we administered a few months ago. More than 75% of staff participated, and their thoughts and words made an impact. Nothing could make us prouder than being the recipient of the Meaningfulness award.
Being named a Top Workplace is a big deal — only 175 companies made this year’s list. I’m honored, especially because the judges were our JF&CS staff.
With gratitude and admiration,