In August, when reviewing the Kosher Food Pantry's increasing needs and current food supply, JF&CS planned a food drive for the High Holidays with hope that the community would support us. We are so thankful to our incredible community and more than 30 partners who helped us collect over 13,000 lbs of food in three months!
"I was amazed to see such huge participation from everyone! The food collected will help so many families experiencing food insecurity. I am so proud to be a part of this community collaboration," said Gabriel Fleming, Food Pantry Manager.
Sixty-five food barrels were each filled with approximately 200 lbs of carefully selected items, and brought by way of young school children or families going to high holidays services to be donated in the yellow postered bins. Hearty soups, protein-packed tuna, filling grains and more will continue to be available to JF&CS Food Pantry clients.
"We are beyond grateful to our community partners for embracing the tradition of inviting the community to donate food during the holidays to address food insecurity. The food donated during the High Holidays will stock our pantry for months, and ensure we can help the families that depend on us," said Stacy Fialkow, Community Outreach Officer.
Thank you to all of our community partners for participating in the food drive.
Advance Drum Services, Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Atlanta Jewish Academy, Congregation Ariel, Congregation Beth Jacob, Congregation Beth Shalom, Congregation B'nai Torah, Congregation Etz Chaim, Congregation Ner Tamid, Congregation Ohr HaTorah, Congregation Or VeShalom, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, Congregation Shearith Israel, Creating Connected Communities, The Davis Academy, The Epstein School, Gesher L'Torah, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Jewish Kids Group, MJCCA, Temple Beth Tefillah, Temple Beth Tikvah, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Kol Emeth, and The Weinstein School.
Kosher Food Pantry Sort
Once collected, and brought to JF&CS, the food then has to be weighed and sorted, so that it can be properly stored until needed on the shelves. Over the last two weeks, families and volunteers – including the extended Silberman family and the Congregation Etz Chaim Religious School 6th grade students – sorted thousands of pounds of food. A heartfelt thank you to all volunteers for their efforts!

Thank you to all who contributed to the High Holidays food drive!