A Message from Terri Bonoff: "Our agency is here to help, for all who need it."

June 02, 2020

A Message from Terri Bonoff: "Our agency is here to help, for all who need it."

A message from Terri Bonoff, CEO:

JF&CS is committed to providing support during this time of crisis in our city, and our country. We are a resource for those that need us in our diverse Atlanta community.

Learning of the death of George Floyd at the hands of police, who are sworn to protect all, was horrifying. Before coming to Atlanta, I was a third generation Minnesotan who served in the Minnesota State Senate for 11 years. I am saddened beyond words that this continues to happen in my hometown community. This act, and other recent acts of police brutality once again ignited a flame that has burned around the country with rage and despair. Yet, we all know acts like this have been happening for longer than we are willing to own.

Citizens are standing up and denouncing the injustice of George Floyd’s death with steadfast resolve. We at JF&CS reject hate and brutality and deplore race based inequity. We were proud of many in our city who engaged in peaceful protests, and were deeply saddened to see our city’s neighborhoods and other neighborhoods around the country being looted this weekend. This is a very challenging time for all of us. Our agency is here to help, for all who need it. Our mental health services are available to support members of the community as we navigate the impact of this crisis. Please consider us partners in the quest for peace and equality.