How to Create a Facebook Fundraiser

How to Create a Facebook Fundraiser

How to Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Thank you for creating a FB Fundraiser to benefit JF&CS.

Fundraising on Facebook provides awareness and raises essential dollars for the agency. Every dollar makes a difference.

Please note that the agency does not receive the names of the specific donors and donors will not receive an acknowledgement from JF&CS. Only the creator of the fundraiser receives the information on who donated. If you would like us to send your donors a thank you, please send their contact information to email hidden; JavaScript is required.

  1. Click "Fundraisers" in the left menu of your Personal Home News Feed.

    (You do not need to go to the JF&CS Facebook account.)

  2. Either click on the green "Raise Money" button in the left menu or

    click on the blue "Select NonProfit" button in the center of the page.

  3. From either button, you will be given an option to "Select Nonprofit

    or Charity". Search for "JF&CS Atlanta" and select it.

  4. Fill in the fundraiser details such as fundraising goal and an end date for the fundraiser.

  5. Click create. The fundraising appeal post will appear on your Newsfeed for your followers to see.

Promotion Tip:

Remember that Facebook does not present your posts to every one of your followers. If you want specific friends to see this point, 'tag' them in the post or in a comment space to that post. Additionally, encourage your friends to share your post onto their Newsfeed so that their friends have an opportunity to see it.

Suggested Post Content:

Be sure to let your followers know why this fundraising is so important to you and to the community. Include the hashtag #SUPPORTJFCS on all posts so we can see and support your activity.